General Student Committee (AStA)
The chair, together with the management, forms the executive board of the AStA.
Their tasks include in particular:
- Coordination of all AStA activities
- Representation of the student body at official events
- Advisory member of the senate
- Link between the presidium of the THGA, the holding company, the StuPa and the student body
- Personnel responsibility towards the office staff
- Main organization of major events
The chairpeople of the AStA are
Nils Wiesmann
Alexander Schmunk
We can be reached at
The management, together with the chair, forms the executive board. It reports directly to the chair. The management consists of two members with equal rights.
The tasks of the management include in particular:
- Administration of the AStA and VRR (public transportation) fees
- Financial management of student body events
- Handling of all banking transactions
- Review of the AStA income and expenditure
- Distribution of financial resources to the individual units
- Support of the chair in general and especially in financial matters, as well as personnel issues
- Negotiation of the semester ticket price, negotiation of public transport conditions
- Presentation of the AStA financial plans to the StuPa
The managing directors of the AStA are
Jasmin Rothenbusch
Philipp Leipholz
They can be reached at
In the first semester each student has a lot of questions:
How do the university's various internet platforms work? How do I understand the study regulations?
But as you continue your studies, you might be facing challenges you cannot solve on your own.
Are there problems with lecturers or staff? Are there problems with fellow students? Is equipment in the labs and classrooms not working or missing? Are there difficulties with the examination board?
We, the faculty (WB) advisors, will help you with these and many other questions concerning your studies. We can act as advisors, but we can also help you with conflicts of any kind, mediate and even represent you. Through our contacts to professors, lecturers and staff, we can find a quick solution in many cases. We also offer excursions for the different departments every semester, we also organise Christmas parties, where you can get together with your fellow students and get in touch with students from other programmes.
If you have any suggestions for improving your studies at the university or suggestions for interesting excursions, we will be delighted to receive them.
We are happy about every e-mail and will do everything to ensure that your - and therefore our - concerns are dealt with as quickly as possible.
The advisors for the three departments are
Harimayuron Rajakuleswara, Jens Schweißinger (WB1)
Joseph Luhenton Rodrigo, Edgar Schön (WB2)
Denis Hinzmann, David Giskes (WB3)
We can be reached at
The public relations officers are our creative minds. They are responsible for ensuring that students are always informed in a timely manner about everything offered at the university and by the AStA.
Our tasks also include taking care of the social media and internet presence, as well as publishing the first semester newspaper "Grubenplan".
If you have questions about the buletins or would like to publish something, you have come to the right place. Feel free to send us an email and we will take care of your request.
The public relations officers are
Emin Tugsan Cicek
Daniel Köger
We can be reached at
The student life unit organisee a lot of AStA parties and events, of course, we are always open to new suggestions to expand our offer.
Every semester there is a pub crawl, a semester kick-off party, a summer party in the summer semester and a mulled wine party in the winter semester.
Of course we will be delighted if you join us.
If you want to know what's happening next, you'll find our posters spread throughout the buildings.
The officers for student life are
Jan Menz
Johannes Borghorst
Florian Zietlow
Philipp Zietlow
Gerit Kliemchen
We can be reached at
Unit for diversity and gender equality
The goal of the diversity unit is to enable all students to benefit from diversity and equal opportunity. By doing so, we aim to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you feel that you or others, in terms of sexual orientation, origin, religious beliefs or any other form of discrimination, are discriminated against.
Of course, your concerns will be treated confidentially.
News around the diversity unit
You can find further contact points here:
The diversity officer is
Arne Oleszak
Leon Kaminski
We can be reached at
The new cooperation unit is responsible for the exchange of ideas and information between the cooperation partners of THGA, such as the AStA of the HSG. For this purpose, the unit sets the dates with the cooperation partners for joint meetings. The main focus is on the detailed arrangement and planning of joint events. Advance arrangement ensures that everything runs smoothly. This does not only reduce the stress load at a large event, but also serves to ensure that the helpers know exactly where they will be deployed and what they have to do there on the day of the joint event. In addition, the officer is responsible for the regional AStA Meeting, for negotiations with the public transportation and they are also the link between the TH and the Union for Mining, Chemical and Energy (IGBCE).
Die Referenten für das Kooperations-Referat sind
Niklas Hamann
We can be reached at
The sports unit is responsible for all student university sports offers.
In addition to organising athletic activities, this unit is also responsible for planning and implementing the ski retreat and the Cartel des Mines event.
Youcan go swimming at the university swimming pool Unibad Bochum once a week and get 2€ back from the AStA when presenting the receipt.
University sports Bochum
We would like to warmly recommend the university sports programme of the Ruhr University, which you can also use as a THGA student.
With about 95 different types of sports, everyone is sure to find the right activity for themselves to release the stress in the afternoon/evening.
Most of the courses start shortly after the beginning of the semester and are well attended, so you have to hurry if you want to join your favourite course.
You can find the university sports programme and all further information about booking and starting times of the courses under the following link:
[Since the university sports offer is still under the subject to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is only a reduced offer of selected sports available right now, all related information can be found at the link above].
At the moment, unfortunately, we do not have our own space, so there are currently no fixtures.
However, an internal Facebook group still exists, through which people can arrange to kick privately.
The advisor for the sports unit is
Ina Buddeberg
Michael Aro
Eirk Lionel Nghepkam Silla
We can be reached at
Im AStA könnt ihr eine unabhängige, BAföG-Beratung in Anspruch nehmen. Ganz ohne bürokratische Hürden oder lange Wartezeit. Kommt einfach mit den relevanten Dokumenten (sofern vorhanden) vorbei und vereinbart einen Termin. Die Beratung findet vertraulich, anonym und ohne jegliche Verpflichtung statt.
Die BAföG-Referenten sind unsere Helfer in Not. Ganz ohne bürokratische Hürden.
Zu unseren Aufgaben gehört die Beratung. Schreib uns gerne eine Mail, dann kümmern wir uns um dein Anliegen.
Die Referenten für das BAföG sind
Philipp Zietlow
We can be reached at |
The unit's tasks include advising part-time students on general study problems. This includes, in particular, advising on university matters and orientation.
The unit continues to serve as a point of contact between the part-time and full-time programmes. Problems can be brought to the attention of the officer and thus brought to the attention of the student committee to find a solution.
Die Referenten für Berufsbegleiter sind
Wiebke Hildenbrand
We can be reached at